A contribution to the knowledge of the geological structure of the Sava Folds and their Southern border


  • Ivan Mlakar


The Carboniferous succession of beds has been subdivided into superposing units and subunits. Within the overthrusting Paleozoic and mainly Mesozoic beds the first and the second part of the Dolsko overthrust have been defined. Most attention is allotted to the structure in the depth, and at the contact between the allochthon beds and the parautochthon. Evaluated are earlier interpretations, and a new solution of this problem proposed.


How to Cite

Mlakar, I. (1985). A contribution to the knowledge of the geological structure of the Sava Folds and their Southern border. Geologija, 28(1), 157–182. Retrieved from https://www.geologija-revija.si/index.php/geologija/article/view/563


