Conodonts from the Škofja Loka limestone of Šmarjetna Gora


  • Tea Kolar


Šmarjetna Gora rises above the Sora field west of Kranj principal town of Upper Carniola. It is characterized by two rounded summit areas and is chiefly made up of cherty limestone named after Škofja Loka. Geological section begins with sandy shale and grades upwards into biomicritic limestone. Thin layered cherty limestone intercalated with shale and marl is rich in conodonts. In the lower rock unit of the section plate-like conodont element of Epigondolella nodosa prevails associated with E. abneptis, E. permica and Paragondolella navicula. The upper rock unit is characterized by Epigondolella abneptis accompanied by E. bidentate and E. postera. The lower rock unit is assigned to the kerri zone of the early Noric stage, and the upper rock unit to the halorite zone of the late Noric stage.


How to Cite

Kolar, T. (1979). Conodonts from the Škofja Loka limestone of Šmarjetna Gora. Geologija, 22(2), 309–325. Retrieved from


