Correlation of input and output parameters in laboratory kiln cement clinker production


  • Željko Pogačnik



The microscopical modal analysis give us a lot of information about clinker and consecutively cement performance The aim of this work was to construct a mathematical model to be in agreement with microscopical modal analysis. The results reveal us the possibility to predict quality control information of Portland cement clinker. By the combination of the right composition of siliceus and carbonate rocks we get the basic manufacture of Portland cement clinker. The influence of raw mix quality does not consists only of the chemical and mineral compositions of rocks but also by their textures and structures, specially in the laboratory simulation of industrial process. The flysch rocks which are used to prepare raw mix have very heterogeneous structure. This is the reason for their changeable mineralogical and consequently chemical composition. Preparing the representative sample of raw mix present one of the primary target in the laboratory simulation. The correct analysis of laboratory clinker sample including chemical and mineralogical composition of raw mix as well as estimation of the mathematical model results give us a powerful tool which can be helpful by the improvement of clinker production. Evaluate the crystal microstructure and clinker minerals genesis help us to understand kiln burning conditions.


How to Cite

Pogačnik, Željko. (2002). Correlation of input and output parameters in laboratory kiln cement clinker production . Geologija, 45(2), 493–498.


