Coal seam of the Velenje coal mine


  • Aleksander Brezigar


The article deals with the position and the shape of the coal-bearing area, exploited by the Velenje coal mine (Slovenia, Yugoslavia). First investigations of the coal field started for more than 100 years ago. The Pliocene and Pleistocene coal measure sequence contains a thick seam of low-rank coal (lignite) of Pliocene age. The coal seam is basin-shaped in all directions. Its south-eastern limb is tectonically strongly affected. Towards the flanks of the basin the coal seam becomes thinner and marginally peters out, except at its northwestern border where it splits into a number of thin seams. The base of the depression is built up by the Triassic, Oligo-Miocene and Miocene beds. The overlying Pliocene sediments pass upwards gradually into clayey-coaly beds which go over into one single, up to 165,8 m thick, coal seam. The hanging wall beds are represented by a clastic limnic succession, topped by the terrestrial depositions of Villafranchian.


How to Cite

Brezigar, A. (1985). Coal seam of the Velenje coal mine. Geologija, 28(1), 319–336. Retrieved from


