Distribution of U, Th, and K in siltstone, psammitic and psephitic rocks of Žirovski vrh


  • Veljko Omaljev


In order to determine the distribution of uranium, thorium and potassium in clastic rocks of different particle size from Žirovski vrh, a dual histogram method has been used. Each of the sedimentary environment is represented by one statistical sample. The uranium distribution within the gray clastic rocks is always logarithmic and follows the second law with well expressed left asymmetry. By the logarithmic tail in the right part of the histogram younger partial uranium populations are revealed. Distribution of uranium in red siltstone is normal and follows the first law; at the same time it is lognormal. In red psammite the uranium distribution resembles that from gray clastites. Likewise the distributions of thorium and potassium in gray and red siltstone, psammite and psephite are given.


How to Cite

Omaljev, V. (1982). Distribution of U, Th, and K in siltstone, psammitic and psephitic rocks of Žirovski vrh. Geologija, 25(2), 289–307. Retrieved from https://www.geologija-revija.si/index.php/geologija/article/view/518


