Shields Deborah J.

Sustainable mineral resource management in karst areas -Report on NATO advanced research workshop 26th September - 1st October, 2000, Portorož, Slovenia
Slavko Vekoslav Šolar, Deborah J. Shields
GEOLOGIJA 44/2 (2001), 363 - 368

Important Features of Sustainable Aggregate Resource Management
Slavko Vekoslav Šolar, Deborah J. Shields, H. William Langer
GEOLOGIJA 47/1 (2004), 99 - 108

Regional, National and Continental Minerals Indicators Projects: commonalities and differences in process and product
Deborah J. Shields, Slavko Vekoslav Šolar, Paul Anciaux, Roberto C. Villas Bôas
GEOLOGIJA 48/1 (2005), 161 - 170