Horvat Aleksander

How many jobs are for geologists and are there to many students of geology?
Mihael Brenčič, Aleksander Horvat, Dorotea Verša
GEOLOGIJA 42 (1999), 219 - 226

Miocene pteropods from Polički Vrh in Slovenske gorice, northeast Slovenia
Vasja Mikuž, Rok Gašparič, Miloš Bartol, Aleksander Horvat, Jernej Pavšič
GEOLOGIJA 55/1 (2012), 67 - 75

Distephanopsis concavus Horvat: a revised silicoflagellate species from the Middle Miocene of the Central Paratethys
Aleksander Horvat
GEOLOGIJA 59/2 (2016), 233 - 241

4. Hrvaški geološki kongres v Šibeniku 14.-15. oktober 2010
Vasja Mikuž, Aleksander Horvat
GEOLOGIJA 53/2 (2010), 210 - 211

Upper Badenian diatom paleoecolgy of the western part of Central Paratethys
Aleksander Horvat
GEOLOGIJA 46/2 (2003), 251 - 262

Changes of the microfossil assemblages in the Oligocene of the Zasavje region
Bogomir Jelen, Helena Mervič, Aleksander Horvat, Jernej Pavšič
GEOLOGIJA 31/32 (1988/89), 329 - 345

Middle Miocene sediments on the northern part of Gorjanci between Čatež and Kostanjevica (SE Slovenia)
Igor Rižnar, Danica Miletić, Tomaž Verbič, Aleksander Horvat
GEOLOGIJA 45/2 (2002), 531 - 536