Identification of depositional hiatuses in karst infillings - Example from Divje babe I cave (Slovenia)


  • Janez Turk



The Divje babe I cave is world known Paleolithic site in western Slovenia. In this paper, special interest is given to the identification of sedimentary hiatuses in karst infillings. Hiatuses can be the most reliably identified by detailed radiometric dating throughout the profile. However, this method is very expensive from economical point of view. New approach was developed in Divje babe I cave. Study of morphological characteristics of clast, may reveal the position of hiatuses. Four presumable hiatuses were assessed in sedimentary profile ranging from depth - 281 cm to - 481 cm below the contemporary ground floor in Divje babe I cave. Two hiatuses can be confirmed by results of radiometric datings, but another two hiatuses are doubtful. However, the identification of hiatuses by radiometric dating greatly depends on vertical length between two dated levels. Larger the length, greater the probability that hiatus was overlooked. Reliability of two presumable hiatuses can be confirmed by additional radiometric datings or with another analysis, such as measurement of degree of weathering.


How to Cite

Turk, J. (2011). Identification of depositional hiatuses in karst infillings - Example from Divje babe I cave (Slovenia). Geologija, 54(1), 121–128.


