Lithologic succession of Carnian beds at Mežica


  • Miha Pungartnik
  • Slavko Brumen
  • Bojan Ogorelec


In the Mežica district Triassic system is at least 3000 meters in thickness, 500—650 meters of which fall to the ore bearing limestone of Cordevolian substage and 300—350 meters to the Julian-Tuvalian substage. The contact of the ore bearing limestone and Julian-Tuvalian succession is characterized by a sheetlike oolitic limestone which is used to establish the position of the ore beds. Together with shale, marl and sandy siltstone it makes the first clastic horizon between the Julian- Tuvalian carbonate deposits. The latter exhibit cyclic alternation of thickbedded biomicrite and sheetlike stromatolitic and oncoid structures. Codiaceae and Solenoporaceae are the most abundant fossil remains. In the upper part the rhythmic deposition becomes inconspicuous, the limestone contains more detrital material and less trace fossils. In general the Julian-Tuvalian carbonate rocks appear to have been deposited in relatively quiet water environment of a back-reef. Periodically intertidal and supratidal conditions are intended. The upper part of the protracted carbonate deposition reflects an increasing marine influence. There a moderate amount of glauconite points to a deeper shelfsea and slow sedimentation.


How to Cite

Pungartnik, M., Brumen, S., & Ogorelec, B. (1982). Lithologic succession of Carnian beds at Mežica. Geologija, 25(2), 237–250. Retrieved from




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