Biostratigraphy of Lower Cretaceous beds from the Logatec plain


  • Ljudmila Šribar


Five cenozones and one interzone are recognized by algal and foraminiferal contents of the Lower Cretaceous succession from the Logatec plain. The Upper Malmian beds are folloved by a group of layers transitional in character and deficient in characteristic microfossils. They correspond to Berriasian stage and are appointed as the Favreina salevensis assemblage zone. The Valanginian and Hauterivian stages are represented together as the Clypeina? solkani assemblage zone including a subzone of Orbitolinopsis capuensis. The Barremian limestone refers to an interzone devoid of ali diagnostic microfossils. Above this interzone the Salpingoporella dinarica assemblage zone follows in a rather uniform development of Aptian bedded limestone. In its lowest part a subzone of Palorbitolina lenticularis could be distinguished. Stili higher up is the Orbitolina (Mesorbitolina) ex gr. texana assemblage zone. There orbitolinas greatly surpass other foraminifers in abundance. The uppermost part of the Lower Cretaceous section is developed in dolomitized limestone and dolomite in alternation with limestone including primitive forms of orbitolinas after which the assemblage zone »Valdanchella« dercourti is determined.


How to Cite

Šribar, L. (1979). Biostratigraphy of Lower Cretaceous beds from the Logatec plain. Geologija, 22(2), 277–308. Retrieved from


