Estimation of geohazard induced by mass movement processes. The Bovec municipality case study


  • Miloš Bavec
  • Tomaž Budkovič
  • Marko Komac



Methodology was developed for estimation of geohazard induced by mass movement processes, taking the Bovec municipality as the case study area. The geohazard map in scale 1:25.000 as the final product is aimed to be directly applicable in spatial planning of local communities (municipalities). The requirements that were followed to achieve this aim were: expert correctness, reasonable time of elaboration, and easy to read product. Elaboration of the final product comprises four consecutive phases, of which the first three are done in the office: 1) synthesis of archive data, 2) probabilistic model of geohazard induced by mass movement processes, 3) compilation of phases 1 and 2 into the final map in scale 1:25.000. As the last phase, field reconnaissance of most hazardous areas is foreseen.


How to Cite

Bavec, M., Budkovič, T., & Komac, M. (2005). Estimation of geohazard induced by mass movement processes. The Bovec municipality case study . Geologija, 48(2), 303–310.




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